
ホーム > 学位記授与式 > 総長代行からのメッセージ







 札幌農学校の初代教頭であったクラーク博士は、"Boys, be ambitious!" と "Be gentleman!" という言葉を残されました。これを時代に合うように言い換えますと、「青年よ、大志を抱け」と「紳士淑女たれ」になると思います。皆さんが、これらの言葉を胸に自らの人生を切り拓き、多くの成功を収めることを祈念しまして、私からのお祝いのメッセージといたします。


北海道大学総長代行 笠原 正典  


Graduation Message from the Interim President

Congratulations to you all upon achieving your bachelor's, master's, professional, and doctoral degrees from Hokkaido University this September. I wish you the best as you each embark on your own careers and lives. I would also like to add my sincere congratulations to your parents and families, guardians, teachers, and all other people who cared for you and guided you to this point.

This September, we are privileged to award 27 bachelor's degrees, 94 master's degrees, and 114 doctoral degrees. Among them, 1 bachelor's degree, 85 master's degrees, and 74 doctoral degrees were awarded to international students. I believe you all must have faced many difficulties to achieve your degrees, but you deserve appreciation for overcoming the difficulties and for accomplishing your academic goals. You should be proud of yourselves just as we are proud to see you taking off to the global stage.

As you know, Hokkaido University has four educational and research pillars - the Frontier Spirit, Global Perspectives, All-round Education and Practical Learning - which the university has valued and fostered for over 140 years since the days of Sapporo Agricultural College. It means that all of you have been studying in a learning environment based on these philosophies. I am sure that, along with having gained expertise in your field of study, you are now able to look at issues from various and comprehensive perspectives and work with open minds. You have acquired not only a global view and far-reaching vision but also remarkable knowledge and wisdom from your educational experience.

Graduation is a launch out into the ocean of the global community, but not a break away from our university community. We would always like to be your "home port" and hope you develop even stronger ties with all alumni so that you will feel welcome whenever you come back.

As I am sure you know, "Boys, be ambitious." and "Be gentlemen" were the words the first Vice-Principal of Sapporo Agricultural College Dr. William S. Clark left to the students of his day. At the beginning of this new phase of your lives, I would like to leave you the following words in the spirit of today: "Be ambitious." and "Be global citizens"! And now, finally, to conclude this message, I hope these words stay with you when you forge your own paths in life, and help you build successful careers.

September 25, 2020

Interim President, Hokkaido University