
ホーム > イベント > 第11回 応用倫理・応用哲学研究会「哲学...

第11回 応用倫理・応用哲学研究会「哲学と「現実」世界:哲学者はコンサルタント・アドバイザーとしてどのような働きをすることができるのか」開催のお知らせ【応用倫理・応用哲学研究教育センター】


場所:北海道大学 人文・社会科学総合教育研究棟 W409室

講師:Dr. Thomas Wilhelm(Projekt Philosophie Public Philosopher, Coach, Author)

演題:Philosophy and the "real" world: How Philosophers can work as consultants and advisors








In this talk Thomas Wilhelm will explain what kind of value philosophers can bring to the world of business or society as a whole. Based on his 25 years experience as a philosophical consultant he will describe why philosophy is especially apt for consulting. He will address the following questions:

- As philosophers, what kind of service can we offer outside the academic world?
- What makes philosophy particularly suitable for consulting?
- How can philosophers coach and educate future leaders?
- In which areas can philosophers add value to the public world?
- Which skill sets does a philosophical consultant need?

Thomas Wilhelm will present several case studies and examples from his own work as a consultant and advisor.

北海道大学大学院文学研究院 応用倫理・応用哲学研究教育センター
Email: caep[at]let.hokudai.ac.jp
URL: http://caep-hu.sakura.ne.jp/
