
ホーム > 学生生活 > 学生生活 > 「令和2年度北海道大学 緊急修学支援金」申請開始について(お知らせ)/2020 Hokkaido University Emergency Student Grant Program

「令和2年度北海道大学 緊急修学支援金」申請開始について(お知らせ)/2020 Hokkaido University Emergency Student Grant Program







 なお、ELMSに記載のある「北海道大学 緊急修学支援金 振込口座登録フォーム」はこちらからダウンロードしてください。フォームを保存する際には、「学生番号-氏名(例:1234567-Hokudai Taro)」を半角英数字で設定してください。最初の0が入力できない場合には、0の前に「'」を入力してください。






(English Version)  

We are sorry to notify you late in English, but we currently receive the application of the "2020 Hokkaido University Emergency Student Grant Program".

The program will provide those who face difficulties continuing their studies at Hokkaido university due to heavy reductions in the household income and income from part-time work because of the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

We receive your applications through the application procedure below.

1. Who is eligible for the grant?

-Degree seeking students (undergraduate students/graduate students/international students)

- Who face difficulties continuing their studies at Hokkaido university due to heavy reductions in the household income and income from part-time work because of the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

- Who is not a MEXT student, foreign government scholarship student, or JSPS Researcher.

2. How much money will be handed out?

-50,000 yen or 100,000 yen based on your financial distress

3.How many students will be able to receive the grant?

-2,500 students

4. Application period

Monday, June 1st through 17:00 of Friday, June 12th (JST)

5. How to apply?

Step 1: Fill the application form. You will find the URL on the ELMS bulletin board and ELMS mail.
Step 2: Download the Bank Transfer Information Form. Fill the form and send it to the designated e-mail address with password. When you save the "form", name it as "your student ID and your name(ex) 01234567-Mary Hokudai" using half-width alphanumeric. When you have trouble entering "0" at the beginning of any numbers, enter" ' (apostrophe)" before 0.

(E-mail address)

Please check the ELMS bulletin board and ELMS mail.

Note 1: Check you fill the necessary parts that are required.

Note 2: We will ask you to mail the application form on Step1 with signature after we will decide the recipients. Please print the application form before you send it.

6. Password

Please check the ELMS bulletin board and ELMS mail

7. Contact information:

Please send any inquiries to the e-mail address on the ELMS bulletin board and ELMS mail (Student Support Division).

We will not accept your inquiries by phone. We will basically not respond to you when we receive the forms. We will contact you if we would find any problems.

8. Notification of the recipients

We will notify you the student ID of the recipients on ELMS bulletin board after Monday, June 22th(tentative).

This grant program is provided from the "Hokkaido University Frontier Foundation", which is donated by Donors such as Graduates, Parents of the students, Faculty and Staff members, Enterprise/Companies/cooperation and Local residents. We receive lots of messages of support from Donors. We do greatly appreciate your cooperation of posting "voice of appreciation" to the Donors after you will be selected as recipient. We will notify you how to post your message to the Donors when we notify you the result.

For the "Messages of support from Donors", please refer to the website below (Japanese only):


                                                         (学務部学生支援課/Student Support Division)